Staying on the Path

God's path for us is greater than our plans for ourselves. Read about staying on the path and staying true to God's Word and God's plan. Bonus! A free lock screen download!


6/17/20241 min read

a path leading to a forest with ferns
a path leading to a forest with ferns

The path in this picture was taken on a recent hike. The surrounding area was lush with greenery and foliage, but the path was clear and easy to follow. Walking off of the path could have led to me getting lost, getting hurt, or encountering danger, but staying on the path kept me safe and led to beauty and joy.

I don't know about you, but I often need to be reminded that God's path for my life is way better than any crazy idea or notion that I may have on my own. OK...who am I kidding. I need to be reminded of this more often than not. More like every day. Every. Single. Day. Since I look at my phone every day (who doesn't?!?), I thought a lock screen might be a nice reminder for myself. Maybe you'll find it useful too.


a path leading through a forest with a quote from Psalm 25
a path leading through a forest with a quote from Psalm 25
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