Traveling with Kids? Simple Strategies for a Stress-Free Journey
Make your next family vacation smooth and enjoyable with these essential tips for family travel. In this blog post, you will find practical advice on preparing for a road trip with children, from packing smart to keeping little ones entertained on the road. Discover how to handle frequent stops, manage road trip boredom, and ensure a stress-free experience for everyone in the car. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a cross-country adventure, these tips will help you make the most of your family road trip!
1/16/202512 min read
Traveling with Kids? Simple Strategies for a Stress-Free Journey
Traveling with kids. It is one of those parenting situations where expectations and reality don't always mesh. You may envision a road trip or vacation filled with laughter, smiles, good times, and other general positive memory-making moments. But, when you start out on your journey, you find there is more crankiness, whining, and grumbling than you anticipated. Your visions of memory-making quickly become moments of just trying to keep the peace. No one wants that! Not you and not your kids! This post will share tips that will help you keep your kids (and you) comfortable, entertained, and happy during your next road trip. Is it foolproof? No. Nothing is. But, preparation goes a long way and these tips will help you set the stage for a trip full of positive memories.
I gained these tips through personal experience! My family has always traveled a lot, mostly to visit family members out of state. My kids have been backseat travelers since the time they were born. I hope some of the things I learned (and yes, I learned them the hard way) will be helpful for you as you plan your next family adventure.
Note: I recommend products on this page. As an Amazon affiliate, I may earn from qualifying purchases (at no additional cost to you).
Build Excitement Before You Leave
Your kids will feed off of your feelings about the trip. If you are nervous or stressed, they will be too. So, build it up in a good way! Talk about how fun the trip will be and how excited you are to be going on this trip with them. Make it seem like an adventure! Really, it IS an adventure! Here are a few suggestions:
Involve your kids in the planning
There is a lot that goes into planning a trip! Involve your kids. Look at a map together. Yes, you may already have your route planned out, but pull up your map app on your phone and go over the route with your kiddo. Look at the roads you'll be taking and the cities you'll be going through together. Ask them for their opinions about things that are involved in the trip. Here are a few suggested questions you can ask (depending on your kid's age):
What do you think we will see along the way as we travel?
What are your favorite snacks to eat in the car?
Are there any specific toys or books that you'd like to bring along?
What are you hoping to see or do while on this trip?
What are you most excited about?
Have your kids help you make a road trip playlist
This one can be pretty fun. Build a road trip playlist together! My kids still do this, and they are in their teens! Everyone gets to choose their favorite songs to add to a playlist. Then, once you are on the road, you hit shuffle and let the list play. It is fun to hear what song will be played next, and everyone is happy because they know that some of their favorites are on the list somewhere!
Let your child help you choose an audiobook to download
Listening to an audiobook while you travel is a great way to pass the time! It is fun to listen to a story together, talk about what is happening, make predictions, etc. Look over several options together, and let your kiddo help you choose a few to download. They'll be more invested in it than if you simply choose for them! Here are a few places to find audiobooks easily:
Overdrive: The Libby app that is offered allows you to use your local library card to borrow audiobooks for free! It offers children's books, family-friendly stories, and even new releases. The Libby app is available for Android and iOS, and Overdrive can be used through a web browser.
Storynory: This website offers a great selection of kid-friendly stories that can be downloaded in MP3 format and then saved to your device. And, they are free!
Google Play Books: Google Play has a wide variety of audiobooks available for purchase, and sometimes even for free. There are a lot of options for kids and family-friendly books. You can listen directly from the Google Play Books app, making it simple to access. They use a pay-per-book model, so you don't have to worry about a subscription.
Apple Books: If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can access Apple Books. It has a wide variety of audiobooks that can be downloaded and enjoyed offline. It also uses a pay-per-book model, so no subscription is needed. This app is available for Android and iOS, and it allows you to support local bookstores with your audiobook purchases. You sign up for membership, but then can choose between a membership option, or a pay-per-book option.
LibriVox: LibriVox offers free public domain audiobooks. The app is available on Android and iOS devices. You can download audiobooks in MP3 format to listen to offline, or you can access them online via streaming.
DIY Backseat Trash Can
Perhaps you have a plastic cereal container that can be repurposed as a backseat trash can! It is easy to do. Line it with a plastic grocery bag or small trash bag liner. If using a plastic grocery bag, I would double line it (they sometimes have small holes!). Put the cereal container lid back on. Open the pour spot. DONE! You now have a lined trash bin for your back seat that has an easy open/close option.
Family Fun on the Road
Time in the car can be a great time for some family fun! There are a lot of great options for activities and games that you can play as a family, even while in the car and on the road. Here are some fun options that will keep your family happy and engaged:
Would You Rather: You can find a lot of these lists online, or you can just think of them on the spur of the moment, but the idea is to present two options and have family members choose between the two. It is fun to hear people explain their choices, and the sillier the questions are, the better. Here are a few examples so you get the idea:
Would you rather have the ability to read people's minds or have the ability to fly?
Would you rather have an unlimited supply of art supplies or an unlimited supply of candy?
Would you rather have to sing everything you say or dance everywhere you walk?
Scavenger Hunt: Suggest items kids can look for outside the car during the trip. You could have them look for specific road signs, certain color cars, specific types of vehicles, etc. The options are endless!
License Plate Search: Challenge your family members to spot plates from different states or countries. Keep a running list as you find them!
Billboard ABC Search: Keep kids focused by asking them to find words that start with each letter of the alphabet. Start with A and work your way to Z. Family members look at signs and billboards and call out words as they see them. As you find a word on a sign that starts with the designated letter, you then move on to the next letter.
Guess the Word: This one works best with a pencil and paper. Some call it hangman, but basically, a family member thinks of a word, and others guess letters one at a time, trying to figure out what the mystery word may be.
Ready to Go Product Option!
If you are looking for a product that has many of these activity options already made and in one location, check out this product: Printable Road Trip Activity Binder
Give them Small Things to Look Forward to
Sometimes people need small rewards or motivators, and kids are no different. If you are heading out on a road trip that is several hours, or even several days long, consider giving your kiddo smaller things to look forward to, rather than just the final destination. Before you begin your trip, think about the stops you will take along the way. Stops to stretch your legs, rest stops, stops for meals, etc. The frequency of stops may vary, depending on the age of your children, but the fact remains that all need to stop and take breaks from time to time. Here are some suggestions for break options.
Importance of Breaks: First, don't make the breaks optional. Emphasize the need for rest stops. Make it a family rule that when the car stops for a break, all get out, all stretch their legs, all use the restroom. This will head off problems and give all a chance for refreshment.
Options for Car Breaks:
Rest areas: These are generally clean and safe areas to stop. They are a no-frills stop option, but they offer the chance to stretch legs and use the restroom.
Meal breaks: While a drive-through meal option can be tempting so you can keep the car moving down the road, actually stopping to eat can often offer more benefits. Meal breaks can be a great opportunity to stretch legs, use the restroom, and fill up on a meal, all in one stop. Bonus...make the stop a fun highlight. Choose a favorite restaurant (counter service is fine if you are looking for a quick option) or choose a restaurant that offers a unique food choice. For example, when my family was traveling through the Chicago area once, we stopped and ordered Chicago-style pizza. It was delicious and memorable, and we all got to get out of the car for a bit.
Historical markers: Make the stops educational! Scope out historical markers or landmarks that you may pass while on your route.
You can use the Historical Markers Database to find locations.
The Roadtrippers app is another option: This app allows you to input your route and add highlights along the way. Things like historical landmarks, roadside attractions, museums, and other points of interest can be added to your journey. There is a free option and a paid option.
Google Maps: You can search for historical sites directly on Google Maps by typing keywords like “historical markers” or “landmarks” in the search bar. Some markers and landmarks are listed with photos, reviews, and descriptions.
Historical Markers Map: This tool offers a map that allows you to search for historical markers in the U.S. by location or keyword.
Milestone treats: If you feel like your kids benefit from a reward-based system, consider incorporating milestone treats. The idea behind this is that your kiddos will earn a reward if they have good car behavior. These can be especially motivating for some kids. You know your kids best, and you will know if a system like this will work for your specific situation. Some ideas for milestone treats include:
a favorite restaurant for a meal break
a special snack break like an ice cream cone or donut
a fun place to explore or visit
in-car treats work as well -- things like special toys or coloring books that are handed out after good behavior. They don't have to be pricey...Dollar Store toys and coloring books are just fine!
Family road trips are an adventure! They can be memorable and exciting and fun! And, a little planning can go a long way in helping to avoid some of the common pitfalls that can accompany travel with young kids. Will any trip be perfect? No...probably not. But, if you arm yourself with a little knowledge, a little preparation, and a whole lotta grace, you will build lasting memories for you and your kiddos. Enjoy the journey! It can be just as fun as the destination. Happy travels!❤️
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Making the Backseat Comfortable
You will want to do all you can to make the backseat of the vehicle as comfortable for your kids as possible. The backseat should feel like a cozy haven as they travel, someplace that they want to be, not someplace that they want to escape from.
Keep it cozy
Does your kiddo have a favorite blanket? Bring it. Does your little one sleep with the same stuffed animal every night? Bring it. Have cozy blankets and pillows in the backseat. Do all that you can to make the backseat comfortable and cozy. You want your little one to feel secure, so when sleepiness hits, dozing off into dreamland will be easy transition.
Keep it clean
Keeping the backseat clean goes a long way in adding to the comfort as well. Give your kiddos a place to put wrappers and trash. It is better than having it end up on the floor, and won't have to keep reaching behind you as your little ones try handing the garbage to you! Here is simple do it yourself option for a backseat trashcan.
Handling Snack Attacks
No one is pleasant to be around when they are "hangry" and a hungry kiddo can quickly turn a peaceful drive into a tense situation. You will want to have mess-free snacks that are easily accessible. Whether you keep them in the front seat, or you leave them within reach of your kiddo is up to you and may depend upon their age, but these simple options will help keep the hangry attacks at bay.
A snackle box: I like this one because it has compartments with individual lids. This allows your kiddo to access only the compartment that he or she wants in the moment, and if a spill happens (as they sometimes do), only one compartment is emptied!
Backseat command center organizers and back of the seat travel organizers can also be used to hold snacks and keep them within easy reach.
Best Snacks for Road Trips: You'll want to choose road-friendly snacks that are easy to eat and are not messy. Consider things like pre-cut fruits, granola bars, string cheese, dried fruits, nuts, dry cereal pieces, pretzels, popcorn, and crackers.
If you'd rather just have a backseat trashcan ready to go with no assembly needed, here are a few ready to purchase options:
Keep it organized
Travel will be easier if your kiddo can access and reach all that they need while in the backseat. Here are a few options to keep items they may need within their reach!
Back of the seat travel organizer with pockets: This is handy! It goes on the back of the seat right in front of the child. Items are within reach and can be organized in the different pockets
Travel tray for kids: These work well for toddlers. It gives them a "workspace" as well as lots of pockets for storage.
Give each child their own backpack. Within the backpack, store items in clear, plastic storage bags. This keeps each child's items in one place, and it makes it easy for them to search and find what they are looking for within the backpack.
Backseat command center organizer: This organizer goes in the center of the backseat. It has large compartments as well as storage pockets. It also straps in, so no unexpected tip overs!

Keep the Kids Busy
In the car, a busy kid is typically a happy kid. You want your kiddo to be relaxed, happy, and engaged in whatever they are doing. Depending on your kiddo's age, the activity span may not be all that long, so you will want to have a variety of options available to them! Consider things like:
coloring pages
word searches
drawing prompts
writing prompts
A lot of these things can be found online and printed. It is a good idea to keep them all in one place for your little one. You don't want to have a bunch of loose papers floating around in the backseat. Your child may not be able to find what they want, when they want it, and it can lead to a big mess. Instead, use a three-ring binder to house any activity pages your kid may need. Your road trip activity binder can include printable games, puzzles, and activities, but it can also be a nice place to store other useful papers for your kiddo. Things like a map of your travels, a daily itinerary, a list of possible stops, etc. Bonus, you can also include a binder pouch to hold things like pencils, pens, crayons, and colored pencils. When everything has its place, your kiddo will be able to find it and access it on their own, when they need it.
You can find many of these activity pages online and print them on your own, but if you would like a ready-made option, check out this product: Printable Road Trip Activity Binder It is ready to download and print upon purchase. You simply print, three-hole punch, and put in a binder. There are over 30 activity pages included!
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