A Can't Miss Peach Cobbler Recipe
This recipe is comforting and delicious. It is a great way to use extra peaches from a peach harvest. It is delicious served warm (with a scoop of vanilla ice cream) or cold with a warm cup of coffee. Enjoy this simple and delicious peach cobbler recipe!
8/31/20243 min read

Can't Miss Peach Cobbler
We have had a peach tree for several years. It never produced any peaches. We had pretty much given up on this tree! We just let it keep growing in the orchard area with our other fruit trees, basically ignoring it year after year. Then, this year, something crazy happened. It produced peaches! And not just some peaches...LOTS of peaches! So many peaches that the branches were hanging down and touching the ground! What made this change happen? Who knows! Maybe the tree finally matured enough to produce fruit. Maybe it had to do with the weather. I don't know, but I am certainly not complaining!

Because the tree branches were touching the ground, and we were afraid the branches would break, we picked all of our peaches at the same time. Some were ripe, but many were not quite there yet. So, we let them ripen on a card table in our dining room for a week or so. Every day, we'd find the ripe ones and move them to the refrigerator. It was so nice to grab a fresh, juicy peach from the fridge for a snack.
We soon realized that we needed a way to use and store some of these peaches. I made peach jam and canned it. I can't wait to pull that out on a cold winter morning for breakfast! We made peach sorbet. So refreshing and delicious. And...we made peach cobbler. My family loves peach cobbler. I had to quickly snap a picture as soon as it came out of the oven, before someone took a bowlful!
I hope you enjoy this delightful dessert as much as we do.
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Recipe Notes:
If you are short on time, this premade cobbler mix can be a life-saver. Sometimes it is nice to just have it on hand...just in case you want to make a quick dessert but are lacking ingredients (or time).
This Pyrex glass baking dish set is great! You can bake in it, and then once it is cooled, just put the lid on and store leftovers in the fridge.
Save time by using this peach pitter tool! Here is a different style of pitter.
A quality peeler is a life-saver. Here is an option if you need one.

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